Will DG Cox

Terms and Conditions

Use of the the Will DG Cox website, currently hosted at willdgcox.com (“the website”) and the services provided via it are conditional upon you accepting the following terms and conditions. Unless otherwise specified, your acceptance of this user agreement shall be indicated by your use of the website. 

The website is provided by Will Cox and his suppliers (“we”/”our”/”us”). 

These terms and conditions form our entire agreement with you in respect of use of the website and supersede any prior agreement or arrangement with you in respect of the website. 

Use of the Website 
The website is a general information service. We will endeavour not to make it misleading, but we cannot represent that the information accessible on or via the website is accurate, not-misleading, complete or up to date. The website is designed for your personal, non-commercial use and you must not use it in any other way without our consent. Except as permitted under applicable law, you must not use, copy, translate, publish, licence or sell the website or any materials or information in the website or the structure, overall style and program code of the website without our consent. 

The website includes links to other internet sites. Without limiting what we say elsewhere, we make no representations or warranties about those sites or their content, nor that the links work. 

This site is provided ‘as is’, without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. We accept no responsibility for any loss or damage as a result of using the website, acting upon the information presented on it or as a result of the download or use of any materials made available via the website. 

We will endeavour to ensure that the website is available 24 hours per day without any interruptions. However, we reserve the right to make the website unavailable at any time or to restrict access to all or part of the website without notice. 

We don’t collect any personal data about you when you use this website. Anonymous analytics information is collected as you browse the website as described below. It is not possible for us to personally identify you from the information collected in this way. 

Cookies are small text files that the website or a third party service puts on your computer. You can choose which cookies you will allow us to place on your computer.  View our cookie policy for more information and to manage your choices. We consider some cookies to be strictly necessary for the efficient operation of the website and as a result you can not prevent these essential cookies from being placed on your computer.

We use Google Analytics to understand how the website is being used in order to improve your experience. You can opt-out of analytics tracking by rejecting the analytics cookies category when managing your cookie consent on the website. View our cookie policy for more information and to manage your choices. 

Social Sharing
Some pages on the website may use social network ‘share’ buttons. Using these buttons may mean that the social network will be able to track that you have visited the website but only if you choose to interact with them. 

In the event of the sale or transfer of this site the information we hold, as described above, may be transferred with it. 

If any provision of the terms and conditions becomes void or otherwise unenforceable in whole or in part, the validity of the remainder of the terms and conditions shall not be affected. If we fail to enforce or delay in enforcing any of our respective rights or remedies under these terms and conditions, such failure or delay shall not be construed as an agreement to waive that right or remedy, and shall not prevent us from exercising that right or remedy in the future. 

These terms and conditions shall be governed by English law. Any dispute arising between us under or in connection with these terms and conditions shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the English Courts.